TopYzW - 2010-06-08 19:48:53

1.Fatal Four Way Match

2.Tables Match for X-Treme WCF Title

3. No DQ Match for America WCF Title

4. Main Event

TLC Match for WCF Champion Title.

Peri - 2010-06-09 04:19:20

Moze bys podal jakis wzor glosowania.
Wzor bedzie nastepujacy.

4. Main Event

TLC Match for WCF Champion Title.
Kofi Kingston
czyli zostawiamy tylko zwyciezce,jesli myslicie o no contest to zostawiacie wszystkich.

a moje glosy to

1.Fatal Four Way Match
Randy Orton

2.Tables Match for X-Treme WCF Title

The Miz

3. No DQ Match for America WCF Title

The Rock

4. Main Event

TLC Match for WCF Champion Title.

Kofi Kingston

manyak - 2010-06-09 04:59:37

1.Fatal Four Way Match
Randy Orton

2.Tables Match for X-Treme WCF Title

AJ Styles

3. No DQ Match for America WCF Title

The Rock

4. Main Event

TLC Match for WCF Champion Title.

Kofi Kingston

Nitroblast - 2010-06-09 11:35:13

1.Fatal Four Way Match

Triple H

2.Tables Match for X-Treme WCF Title

AJ Styles

3.No DQ for America WCF Title

The Rock

4.Main Event

Ladder Match for WCF Champion Title

Kofi Kingston

Edge - 2010-06-09 12:21:59

1.Fatal Four Way Match
Triple H

2.Tables Match for X-Treme WCF Title

The Miz

3. No DQ Match for America WCF Title

The Rock

4. Main Event

TLC Match for WCF Champion Title.

Kofi Kingston

Jowisz - 2010-06-09 14:31:28

1.Fatal Four Way Match

Shawn Micheals

2.Tables Match for X-Treme WCF Title

A.J Styles

3. No DQ Match for America WCF Title

The Rock

4. Main Event

TLC Match for WCF Champion Title.

Kofi Kingston